
Flying Bridge

Digital Marketing & Design Technology.

10 Proven SEO Tactics For Lawyers To Boost The Google Rankings Of Their Website

SEO Tactics For Lawyers

Lawyers reading this who yearn for their website to be ranked higher on Google, and who may have tried SEO but not seen hugely positive results, we have some good news for you. That is, regardless of what you have tried, it is always possible to attain better rankings, especially within a local market which we assume most lawyers reading this will be in.

We say that, because generic legal websites providing general legal information, have a more difficult, though not impossible task of outranking similar websites. You are competing with some very high authority legal websites from across the world, rather than local competition in the form of other lawyers’ websites.

What we often find when lawyer websites are not ranking well, is that they may have used a couple of the well-known tactics, but not sustained them. Nor will they have appreciated that a couple of hundred ranking factors are used by Google within its algorithm. So, the more of them you optimise for using SEO tactics, the more chance your website has of ranking higher than your competition. Here are ten of those SEO tactics you should focus on.

SEO Tactic #1 – Get Better Backlinks: Whilst having lots of backlinks helps, it is even more effective for better rankings to acquire links from well-respected, high-authority websites whereby some of their high-ranking power passes to your website via those backlinks.

SEO Tactic #2 – Optimise Internal Links: You want the power from incoming backlinks and relevance to flow through your website as this gives Google a clearer indication that it should rank for specific keywords. This is why you must link internally effectively and logically.

SEO Tactic #3 – Repair Broken Links: Google hates broken links whether they are external backlinks or internal links. Use an SEO  tool that can identify broken links and either remove them, fix them, or disavow them, so they do not negatively impact your ranking score.

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5 Reasons Landscapers Gain A Huge Competitive Advantage By Using Email Marketing Campaigns

5 Reasons Landscapers Gain A Huge Competitive Advantage By Using Email Marketing Campaigns

All landscaper architects should be aware that there are many marketing channels and strategies that you can use to promote your landscaping business online. Whether you opt to pursue these yourself or employ a digital marketing agency to do it for you will be down to your preference and available budget, but, whichever you choose, we strongly recommend that you ensure email marketing is part of the plan.

It is often stated that the measure of how well something works is the length of time it remains in use. We are sure those who remember ‘My Space’ will concur that if we were suggesting that as a way to promote your landscaping business you would quickly discard that idea. However, we are not suggesting ‘My Space’ but instead email marketing.

Email has been in use for as long as the internet has, and more to the point has been used by businesses of all kinds to build a captive audience and to promote their products and services. That will certainly include landscaping businesses which means if you are not yet using email marketing, you are in danger of being overtaken by your competitors in terms of gaining new clients and clients who make repeat purchases of landscaping services.

You might be asking “What are the benefits of using email marketing?“, and that is a question that we hear often. The answer is outlined below within the five reasons why email marketing can provide your landscaping business with a huge competitive advantage over other landscapers.

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10 Shocking Facts About Germs In Offices That Every Business Owner Should Know

10 Shocking Facts About Germs In Offices That Every Business Owner Should Know

It is a fact that most business owners based in offices, or those responsible for an office building, will hire a commercial cleaning company to ensure that the aforementioned offices are kept as clean as possible for the benefit of both employees and those who visit.

The level to which a commercial cleaning service hits the highest of standards can be readily checked visually by simply walking around the areas within the office they are responsible for cleaning and checking the cleanliness or otherwise of those areas. However, an equally important role that a commercial cleaning company has cannot be so easily checked. That task is to ensure that germs are eliminated.

Given that germs are microscopic, the odds of you visually being able to see their presence or not is nigh on impossible, except if you are prepared to walk around with a microscope, which we doubt would be practical. Nevertheless, you can ensure that the work of not just cleaning but also sanitising your offices is carried out effectively, by monitoring the cleaning tasks and inspecting those areas where germs are likely to thrive.

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5 Common Events That Could Mean Your Office Needs Cleaned More Often

5 Common Events That Could Mean Your Office Needs Cleaned More Often

For many offices, the commercial cleaning of them can take place almost under the radar. This can either be because it happens after the employees have gone home, or because the commercial cleaners are extremely adept at getting on with their cleaning tasks with minimum to zero disruption or interruption to the business or businesses operating within that office building.

Whilst what we have just described is quite rightly regarded as a positive scenario, it is not without some risk. The risk we are referring to is the business owner, or those responsible for the office building, starting to take the cleaning of these business premises for granted. As such, they act with no forethought to situations and scenarios that could alter the cleaning requirements of the office building in question.

Given that most business owners have numerous important matters to deal with daily, it is understandable that any cleaning which goes on when they are not there is towards the bottom of their priority list. However, it will soon rise straight to the top if something happens that compromises or adversely affects the cleaning of the office they operate in.

What we are specifically referring to are changes or events which can mean that the current commercial cleaning schedule is no longer appropriate and has to be altered by calling in Osborne Park office cleaners. As for what those changes or events are, here are five we are sure most businesses will experience at least once, and in many cases, repeatedly.

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The Digital Marketing Landscape Around The World

The Digital Marketing Landscape Around The World

One of the positive consequences of the internet’s creation is that it has allowed business connections to be made across countries that might not previously have been possible, and that can be seen in all its glory in the realm of digital marketing. As such, it is common to have a business in Canada employ a digital marketing agency based in Australia to promote its products around the world.

Whilst each country has its own culture, laws, and identity, there are also different business needs relating to digital marketing, and what digital marketing skills are most wanted by business owners and digital marketing agencies.

Research the needs of various countries you will soon discover that in many parts of the world there is a high demand for digital marketing skills, however, in many cases there appears to be a shortage of them. That might come as surprise to those who have those skills but who also seem to have difficulty finding clients willing to pay for them.

From this, it indicates those looking for digital marketers are looking too narrowly, and some digital marketers are not doing enough to promote themselves to a broader audience beyond their location. Some examples follow of what issues exist across the world and specifically in those countries where the demand for digital marketing and marketers is highest.

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7 Tips for Ensuring Your Office Relocation Has No Unexpected Dramas

7 Tips for Ensuring Your Office Relocation Has No Unexpected Dramas

One of the risks of an office relaxation is that it can become an unwieldy mess and that rather than the move being seen as positive, it is viewed by all concerned, including your employees and clients as a negative step. The most common ways that negative scenario occurs are that the relocation is poorly planned, professional office removalists are not used, such as Brilliance Removalists and no support is sought from anyone else.

Rather than list all the other negatives we thought it would be more useful to offer seven tips which are tried and tested in making an office relocation a stress-free, highly organised, and ultimately, a positive event in a business’s history.

Effective Planning Should Start Immediately: From the moment you start considering moving your business to a new location, you need to be planning for it, even if in the end you decide not to move. The more effective and comprehensive your planning is, the less chance there is of forgetting something and that includes commitments to clients.

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5 Tips To Optimise Your Website’s Structure For SEO

When an SEO specialist discusses SEO services with clients, they will refer to ranking factors like content and backlinks, to name just two of the hundreds of ranking factors that Google includes in its algorithm. Another topic that may get mentioned less often, but is equally vital to securing good search rankings, is website structure. Website structure plays a huge role in giving evidence to Google that it should rank a website higher, and there are several reasons for that being the case.

Websites Optimised For Search Engine Spiders; if a website is structured properly it means when the spiders that searched engines, including Google, send out to crawl websites, what they find provides the correct information. This includes letting search engines know what each page is ranked for, and what its content relates to.

Allows Optimised Internal Linking: Internal links may not have the kudos or the influence on rankings that external backlinks do, but they are still important in SEO. If a website is structured logically then internal links have more effect, such as allowing the authority of external backlinks to flow throughout the website.

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7 Tactics For Reducing Investment Risks

7 Tactics For Reducing Investment Risks

As a business owner and entrepreneur, you will presumably be aware that one of the core principles of building wealth is to have multiple streams of income. If you have ever had any professional financial planning done or had advice from financial advisors, no doubt they too will have told you that the more streams of income you have, the more secure your financial position will be.

As for what those income streams of income should be, in truth that is up to you and will be influenced by the time you have available, how much additional income you wish to earn, and even what income sources interest you. You may seek advice on the matter and if you speak to a financial advisor they will undoubtedly discuss with you investments being a solid income source.

Often when entrepreneurs or even ordinary citizens hear the term “investments” they believe it to be a risky route to follow. That is understandable given the stories you hear of people losing fortunes due to bad investments. As any financial advisor will tell you, thankfully, these scenarios are the exception rather than the rule with most investments being a safe and secure way of increasing your wealth. However, that comes with a caveat.

The caveat is that investing does need some careful thought and consideration, and just randomly investing your wealth with no rhyme or reason is a recipe for disaster. You can also take steps to ensure that your risk is minimised and if you read on we have outlined seven tactics that all investors should be aware of as they can ensure any money they invest is safe.

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Your Options If Someone Is Stealing Content From Your Business’s Website

Your Options If Someone Is Stealing Content From Your Business's Website

Imagine how you would feel if, having spent the effort, time, and expense on having a professional website designed by a web design agency, you publish your site and then weeks later you discover that another business or individual has copied the content on your website and used on theirs. We are assuming that would create any number of emotions including anger.

Whilst copying content from a website might not seem as serious a crime as walking into a business and stealing money or products, but it is stealing, nonetheless. This type of stealing is called copyright theft, and the good news is you do have legal rights that can protect you from it and seek recourse if it happens to you.

The theft of content from a website can elicit a claim for a breach of copyright under the 1968 Copyright Act. The types of content that are covered include written text, images, illustrations, and videos. Almost anything which has been created on your behalf and published on your website should be covered bar a few exceptions, such as public domain content.

If you suspect that someone has stolen content from your website or have evidence that they have done so, then the first step is to contact your commercial lawyer. One of the first tasks they will advise is to try is to have the stolen content removed from where it has been published and your lawyers will also explain the most effective methods of achieving that.

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Who Is The Best SEO In Australia?

Given the sheer number of SEO consultants who live and work in Australia, you might expect us to say that this is an impossible question to answer. Actually, it is not as difficult to answer as you might think, because it is possible to check on them all to assess their success, their results, and most importantly what their clients say about them. Having done so, it is our conclusion that the best SEO consultant in Australia is Peter Brittain.

Peter Brittain is the owner and managing director of the digital marketing agency, Slinky Digital. Slinky Digital offers a broad range of digital marketing services which include web design, PPC advertising, social media management, website security and SEO. They also operate in multiple cities across Australia, including Sydney, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Perth.

Before we take you to the evidence which we believe shows Peter Brittain to be the top SEO consultant in Australia, let us first discover Peter’s history and how he grew his marketing agency to be the success that it has become.

It All Begins In Perth, WA

One of the major reasons that set Peter Brittain apart from many other SEO consultants is that he was there when it all began. Google was but an online toddler when Peter started his first SEO agency in Perth, back in 2001. Whilst Google has since gone on to become the biggest website on the internet, Peter’s success has also been on a continual upward trajectory in that time too.

That first SEO agency of Peter’s was, and still is, called SEO Perth Experts. Peter has grown it from just himself working in that SEO agency to a company that now employs numerous experts and professionals within the SEO and digital marketing arena. Whilst he still regards Perth as his home and thus has a particular fondness for SEO Perth Experts, Peter now also has clients across the entirety of Australia.

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Useful steps to have Website Feedback

1. Starting early:
while you are planing, you should be keeping in mind having feedback related to your work. As soon as you have started asking for feedback related to your work, it will be particulalry easy for you to make chnages into it. Do not wait for the time when you are invested emotianally and then you start getting feedback for your designs. When you are done with the initial wireframing or skecthing, you should put it in front of your clients and ask them for feedback.

2. Be Open:
you need to be extremely open while you are receiving comments on your work. You should be asking for feedback and comments only when you know that you will be considering them. Do get too close to the layout or the design that you cannot even hear about the constructive and creative ideas are being offered.

3. Make use of accurate tools:
it may happen that you have not used the appropriate tools and that is the reason that you are afraid of asking for the feedback. Luckily, there are numerous tools that are easily accessible and available for free which will be extremely helpful in designing the web layouts. Some of the most prominent and widely used tools are Concept Feedback , with this you can share your layouts as this is a community for developers, marketers, and designers who will be providing you with constructive feedback.

There would be points for reputation that are extremely helpful for users to prioritize the advice.The other one is Five Second Test . This is particularly for the random visitors who will be offered with a test and analyze the designs for around 5 seconds. After the time limit ends, they are asked to list down the points which they have perceived from it.

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5 Key Questions To Ask Of Your Potential Office Removalists

5 Key Questions To Ask Of Your Potential Office Removalists

If you are responsible for planning an office relocation for a business, if you intend to do it correctly, you should have a checklist with a series of tasks that need to be carried out. Hopefully, at the top of that list is choosing a professional removalists company to assist with and implement your relocation. Whether your relocation is down the road or interstate can help you determine on which company to hire, if it is the latter, interstate removalists are necessary.

We will say that upfront because if you try to do an office relocation on the cheap, or cut corners by hiring a van and asking staff to help out, it will certainly prove to be a lot more difficult than it need be. Save yourself the stress, the upheaval, and the regrets by only hiring professionals to help you with your office relocation.

You should not simply pick a removalist company at random. You should do some research, and as part of that, there are specific questions which you want to be answered. In particular, there are the five below which, if the answers are satisfactory, indicate that the removalist company which provides those answers, should also provide you with an excellent office relocation experience and customer service.

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7 Essential Principles Of Designing A High Converting Landing Page

Web designs can be in many forms with each dependant on several factors. These include the business sector, the target audience, the aims of the specific business, and at a practical level, the budget that was invested in the design. The size of a website can also vary with some having hundreds of pages, and others just a single page.

A single-page website invariably is a site that has just one objective and that is to obtain the contact details of those who land on it, which is why it is more often than not called a landing page. Another point about landing pages is that instead of being a single-page website, they often are a page within a website.

In both cases, the website owner will be directing traffic to them from a variety of sources in the hope of obtaining contact details so they can continue marketing to prospects. In almost all cases that will include obtaining a visitor’s email address, with other details such as their name, telephone number often requested too.

The key objective of a landing page is that it converts, simply because it has few other purposes. Unlike other website pages, there is unlikely to be a lot of content, nor is there going to be a great deal of interactivity. A landing page’s sole purpose is to make a visitor take simple actions like submitting their email address and if it fails, it fails absolutely. To avoid this failure you want a landing page that converts, so here are 7 web design principles of landing pages that convert well.

It Should Have A Singular USP: For your landing page to relay a strong message that sparks the thought process of visitors, it should have a clear and distinctive USP from the top of the page to the footer.

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7 Ways to Repurpose Your Online Content

7 Ways to Repurpose Your Online Content

One of the biggest hurdles that business owners often feel they have to overcome within their digital marketing is the creation of content. As you should know, content plays a huge role in online marketing including helping improve rankings on Google, building trust with prospects, and creating authority. Despite knowing its importance, some business owners come to a grinding halt in their content creation, as they cannot think of what new material they should create.

Whilst all content should be fresh in the sense that it should not simply be copied and pasted from elsewhere, that does mean that a single piece of content cannot be used in other ways. repurposing content is a highly effective digital marketing tactic, and, for example, it can mean that a single blog post can be turned into 5 or 6 other content items and used to supplement a content creation companion. Here are 7 ways your existing content can be repurposed.

Create A Podcast

An excellent way to repurpose blog posts is to turn each one into a podcast. You can either speak about what you have written in the post or better still ask a friend or colleague to interview you about it. Having an entire series of podcasts on a podcast channel generates a huge amount of authority.

Create An Infographic

Not everyone likes to read, especially if what they are reading is imparting new information to them. Many people prefer to be educated visually and that is where infographics become an option. By breaking a post down into smaller chunks you can create a highly appealing infographic, and if there is enough material, into a series of infographics.

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10 Awesome Ways To Boost Your ROI From Instagram Marketing

10 Awesome Ways To Boost Your ROI From Instagram Marketing

For those businesses that sell products and services whose appeal can be augmented by them being seen or represented visually, many online channels can be used to market them. However, there is one, in particular, which must be considered, not least because it is the 4th largest social media website by user numbers on the internet. That platform is Instagram, whose usage has grown exponentially in the past 10 years to around 1.5 billion active users.

Any business that wants to get its products and services in front of the eyes of some of those users who also happen to be their target audience will find Instagram to be an excellent platform to do so, but with the caveat that it must be done correctly. To assist you in that, here are 10 awesome ways to boost the return on investment from marketing on Instagram.

#1: Determine Your Objectives – No marketing campaign on Instagram or any other platform for that matter will be successful as it should be if it does not have clear and specific goals. So, before you so much as upload an image, set your campaign’s objectives, first.

#2: Ensure Your Bio Is Optimised – The first sight of your brand any Instagram users will have is your bio, so it must be fully optimised. Describe your products and services, your other social media platforms, your brand’s hashtags, and your logo as a minimum.

#3: Fully Utilise Your Content – Instagram is an image content platform but that does not mean that you simply publish photos ad infinitum. You want to optimise them all with text, callouts, additional graphics, colour, and lots of calls to action to encourage shares of your content.

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Newsletter content ideas to keep your newsletter interesting

Honestly if you are being consistent and sending a newsletter out once a month you want to keep it fresh and mix in 1-2 of the content ideas but also use other things to rotate. So below I am including newsletter content ideas to keep your newsletter interesting, using these other ideas when you just don’t know what to share.

Reader Group – Do you have a Facebook reader group? Share it, tell your subscribers what you do in the group. Many new to you readers might not know about it, or know how to find it and letting them know in your newsletter is a great way to cross promote your various marketing avenues.

Available Books/Reading Order – You would be surprised to find just how many fans don’t actually know all the books you have out. They might have found you after you got established, or have a hectic life and don’t check your website often and realize your back catalogue. So share it with them in graphical form. Do a graphic with all your novels that are currently out, if in a series put them in order. If you don’t have a lot you can include novellas too, but if you do have a lot then just mention for a full list including novellas to follow a link to your site.

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Online Graphs and Chart Generators

There are some web servcees that are providing you with the facility of creating charts or graphs easily by being online. All of them are user-firendly and you do not even have to worry about the templates and designs. You can check out the screen shots and if you do not like them, you can change them right away.
Following are some of the online services that are offering consumers with graphs and chart Generation.

Rich Chart Live: you can easily create captivating and enjoyable Flash Charts or graphs from your web browsers.

DIY Chart: DIY is a short form of Do it yourself. And this application means that you can create the web-based charts and graphs on your own with powerful, robust and simple online tools that can generate you with dynamic or even static diagrams, or anyway you like them to.

Online Chart Generator: this is one of the best online graph and chart generation tool which is useful in generating 3D graphs which are indeed amazing and are created just in few seconds.
Link: this tool has simply tore down the difficulty and intricacy of online visualizations by offering consumers with interactivity, ubiquity and simple online chart generators.

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How hard is it to let go of the business you built?

You are an entrepreneur and built up a business. You are getting older and you have a choice, you can give/sell the business to your kids or you can sell the business to a third party. Is that an easy thing to do?

Many people who have built up a business find it hard to let go of their business. They want to slow down but they still want to call the shots. I am aware of a business where the father built up a successful business. He would travel to Florida and lived there for 3 months and he would let his kids who were in the 50’s t0 run the business.

Even though he was in Florida, he wanted to still be informed daily of what was going on and he still had to approve of what the kids did. He then appointed an heir to run the business but this was one of the kids, two of the kids were left out and in fact one left the family business.

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Start up businesses – how do you value them when you are looking for equity?

There are many ways to value a company. Some people use a multiple of normalized earnings. There are different multiples for different types of businesses and different locations of businesses. A business may have a higher multiple in a big city vs a town.

The multiple also changes depending on what part of the country you are located in. Some investors use discounted cash flow, others look at liquidation of the assets if real estate is involved. There are many different ways to value a business but none are applicable to a start up company.

You have a start up business which needs money to get to the next stage. Unfortunately, this is the most expensive type of financing because this stage of financing is very risky. The investor may not get his money back, there is no guarantee that the venture will be successful and there may be no liquidation value in the assets of the company if it does not succeed. Since this is risky, investors are looking for large returns. A person who will invest in this stage of business may be called an angel investor or venture capitalist.

They are typically looking for a 25% ROI. They play the numbers game, for every 10 investments they do, 8 will fail and 2 will be a home run. The return on the 2 will more than compensate for the loss on the 8 bad ones.

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Online Tools / Templates

Easy Cash – your e-business portal template
You can also incorporate Latest News, Popular Links, Ads, etc. sections using the various available Joomla modules. Take a quick tour through the template’s layout features and customization options by watching the short (4:44 min.) tutorial movie, available in YouTube and ThemZa HD formats.

Science Lab – share your scientific findings online
By using the various available Joomla modules you can also incorporate Latest News, Archive, Key Concepts, etc. sections and place classified content there. For a quick “dissection” of the layout customization options offered by this scientifically-themed template, watch the short (4:37 min.) video tutorial, available in YouTube and ThemZa HD formats.

High School – recreate your classroom activities online
The template offers a choice of 3 color schemes (red-dark blue, orange-dark blue and turquoise blue-dark blue) and 3 logo variations (a classroom globe, an abacus and a pencil).

The quick JavaScript-based main menu bar, on the other hand, will ensure a seamless browsing experience for the readers. For a quick preview of the High School template, take a look at the short (3:51 min.) video tutorial, available in YouTube and ThemZa HD formats.

Flight Simulator – your online air travel booking portal template
Get to know how to customize this air transportation-dedicated template by watching the short tutorial movie, available in YouTube and ThemZa HD formats.

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